Monthly Payment Plan
Butler University offers a Monthly Payment Plan for the FALL and SPRING semesters which allows students the opportunity to make monthly payments during each semester.
Note: A payment plan is not available for the summer term.
Students must enroll online by logging into their account during available enrollment dates.
Fall 2025 enrollment dates:
4 payments: May 15, 2025 – July 7, 2025- (A $25 participation fee per term applies.)
3 payment : July 10, 2025 – August 11, 2025 (A $35 participation fee applies.)
2 payments : August 14, 2025 – September 8, 2025 (A $45 participation fee applies.)
Spring 2026 enrollment dates
4 payments : November 13, 2025 – December 8, 2025 (A $25 participation fee per term applies.)
3 payments : December 11, 2025 – January 12, 2026 (A $35 participation fee applies.)
2 payments : January 15, 2026 – February 9, 2026 (A $45 participation fee applies.)
Note: if ALL terms is selected during enrollment, student is automatically enrolled in the 4-month plan for all subsequent terms and a $25 participation fee applies for the fall & spring terms. A payment plan is not available for the summer term.
The Terms & Conditions are included in the online enrollment steps. During the enrollment process, students must agree to the Terms & Conditions of the Monthly Payment Plan. After successful enrollment in the plan, a copy of the Terms & Conditions are also sent to the student’s Butler e-mail address. Review the Terms&Conditions 2025-2026.
- Students previously enrolled in the payment plan who selected ALL TERMS, are automatically included in the four (4) month payment plan for ALL subsequent semesters provided they’re enrolled in classes prior to the publication of the first E-Bill for each term (2nd Wednesday in July for fall; 2nd Wednesday in December for spring).
- Students previously enrolled in the payment plan who did NOT choose ALL TERMS but want to continue in the monthly payment plan during subsequent semesters must enroll (via account) in the plan when enrollment dates become available.
- The Office of Student Accounts doesn’t remove payment plan participants with zero or credit balances from the plan. If the payment plan is no longer needed, it is the student’s responsibility to remove themselves from the monthly payment plan. To be removed from the Monthly Payment Plan option, please complete the Payment Plan Removal Request.
- Account balances of $100 or less will NOT be divided into monthly payments.
Payment Plan Removal Request
Students: If you have enrolled in the Monthly Payment Plan option and prefer to pay the E-Bill in full, please complete the Butler Payment Plan Removal Request prior to the due date. Navigate to and sign in with your Butler email address and Butler password to complete Butler Payment Plan Removal Request.
Students must enroll online by logging into their account during available enrollment dates.
Note: if ALL terms is selected during enrollment, student is automatically enrolled in the 4-month plan for all subsequent terms and a $25 participation fee applies for the fall & spring terms. A payment plan is not available for the summer term.
A student user ID and password are required. Hard copy enrollment forms are not available. During the enrollment process, students are required to review and accept the Terms & Conditions.
E-Bills are published the 2nd Wednesday of every month and the final payment for payment plan participants for the fall term is due in full the first of November. The final payment for the spring term is due in full the first of April.
Note: Please review our E-Bill Publish Dates & Due Dates.
Students with any prior account balances due and/or a poor payment history are ineligible for plan participation.
Payment plan payments (including 529 plan payments) must be received in full by the due date indicated on the E-Bill to avoid late payment penalties. Financial aid funds (e.g. outside scholarships, loans, etc.) are NOT considered payment plan payments. Please keep in mind:
- Pre-payments and financial aid funds are deducted from the total balance due and will reduce future payment plan amounts.
- If 529 plan payments are utilized, “pending payments” are NOT considered actual payments. To be considered a payment for the payment plan, 529 plan payments must be received by the Office of Student Accounts by the due date indicated on the E-Bill and the total amount due must be received in full.
- The Office of Student Accounts does NOT remove payment plan participants with zero or credit balances from the payment plan.
- Students must notify our office in writing to be removed from the plan. See navigation instructions for Payment Plan Removal Request above.
Student Online Navigation Instructions
- Navigate to and login (student user ID and password are required.)
- Click PS Campus Solutions
- Click Student Center
- On the Student Center, Click Payment Plan Info Center under FINANCES heading
- Click Payment Plan Application
- Read the Terms & Conditions and check the box to agree.
- Choose either ALL TERMS or CURRENT TERM ONLY. If you choose ALL TERMS, you will automatically be included in the 4-month payment plan in future terms provided you’re enrolled in classes prior to the publication of the first E-Bill for the term. A $25 participation fee applies each term (fall & spring) for the 4-month plan. Butler University does not offer a payment plan for the summer term.
- Click Submit My Application. An email will be sent to your Butler University e-mail account to acknowledge your enrollment in the plan. A copy of the Terms & Conditions is included in the e-mail. Please share the Terms & Conditions of the plan with anyone assisting you with your financial obligation to Butler University.