E-Bill Information & Quick Links
The Office of Student Accounts publishes billing statements in an electronic ONLY format. E-Bills are published the second Wednesday of every month and payment is due in full by the due date on the E-Bill. When the E-Bill is available, e-mail notifications are sent to the student BU e-mail address and to designated e-mail addresses for established authorized PAYERS.
Important Account Information
All charges are due in full on or before the due date indicated on the E-Bill (electronic billing statement). The E-Bill “Amount Due Now” includes all charges MINUS the “Anticipated Aid” and/OR financial aid that has already posted to the account. Anticipated Aid is financial aid that has been accepted by the student and has not yet posted to the student’s account. Anticipated Aid that has not posted to the account in a timely manner (second week of classes) will be subject to late payment penalties and/or interest charges. Some types of financial aid require additional documentation (e.g. signed promissory notes for student loans). To ensure the financial aid file is complete, students may contact the Office of Financial Aid at finaid@lsxythnjy.com OR 317-940-8200. All financial aid indicated on the E-Bill is subject to review by the Office of Financial Aid and subject to federal, state and institution guidelines.
Students enrolled in the Monthly Payment Plan are required to pay the Amount Due Now indicated on the E-Bill in full by the due date. Payment plans will be recalculated on a monthly basis by the Office of Student Accounts if changes occur. Students with a poor payment history will be denied participation in the Monthly Payment Plan.
If the Amount Due Now indicated on the E-Bill is not paid in full by the due date, interest charges will accumulate (18 percent APR) on unpaid balances. For Monthly Payment Plan participants, late payment penalties will be assessed on any balances not received by the due date.
Students are responsible for all charges incurred while attending Butler University. Students may also be held responsible for reasonable collection fees, attorney fees and court costs without relief of evaluation and appraisement law to collect outstanding balances.
Nonpayment of charges does not constitute withdrawal from classes or housing. Students must notify the college of enrollment in writing when he/she wishes to withdraw. Cancellation of housing contracts must be submitted, in writing, to Residence Life.
Outside Billing
The University will bill a third party for tuition and room and board as well as fees, provided a voucher and/or written authorization is received by the Office of Student Accounts prior to the beginning of each semester and payment will be made on or before the first day of that semester. The University will not bill any employer or third party that pays upon completion of the course(s). Any balance remaining unpaid by the first day of the semester will be assessed a monthly finance charge of 18% APR. If the third party will not pay the finance charge, the student will be responsible for payment.
Please contact the department of Residence Life at 317-940-9458 or 800-368-6852 ext. 9458. You may also send an email to reslife@lsxythnjy.com or visit their website. For information regarding fraternity and sorority billing, visit the Greek Life website.
Please visit the Office of Financial Aid website, call their office at 317-940-8200, toll free at 877-940-8200 or email finaid@lsxythnjy.com.
Please contact the Butler University Police Department at 317-940-9396, 800-368-6852, ext. 9396, or visit the department website.
Please contact the Office of Registration and Records at 317- 940-9203, 1 (800) 368-6852 ext. 9203, visit the office website, or email the office at registrar@lsxythnjy.com.
Please contact the Health and Counseling Center at 317-940-9385, 800-368-6852, ext. 9385, or visit the department website.